She's Come a long way

Every story has a beginning, middle and end. Amanda Lucey started her journey long ago, but her entrepreneurial story and business owner success started in 2012. 

Amanda Lucey
Amanda Lucey

humble beginnings

Amanda started her company in 2012 at her kitchen table. From a consultancy to hiring eight employees, it all started in her own home. No funding, no financing, just grit. She acquired The Partnership in 2018 in an effort to scale faster. After merging two teams and two offices she built out an office overlooking The Braves stadium at The Battery. She believes in staying hungry, hustling and being humble (three H’s). While she’s proud of the 40 year legacy she’s acquired, the kitchen table reminds her that the three H’s are vital to success. 

values System for success

Amanda Lucey Family


Her foundation is build on purpose. Amanda Lucey believes every life has a purpose and to fulfill your calling is to lean into your natural skills and soar. She finds purpose in her partner's work and excels in identifying meaning in all of her marketing and communications work. Whether it's healthcare or agriculture - it's work that matters.

Amanda Lucey - Passion


The fuel that sets her heart on fire. Amanda Lucey is fueled by passion in everything she does. From mom life to keynote speaking - her passion radiates. It's contagious. It's not work, it's a way of life. It's building, growing and creating something that helps partners and impacts communities.

Amanda Lucey - Partnership


Partnership over Presentation. It's not just a trademarked tagline. It's what Amanda Lucey believes. She values partnerships and community. She believes in solving problems and becoming a resource for her partners. The result of listening, learning and providing solutions is deep meaningful partnerships for decades.

When purpose meets passion - partnership is created. With that comes deep belonging and sense of community.

– Amanda Lucey